We are about 30 days away from beginning our remodel on this one, so we would like to offer it ‘as-is’ for anyone that is a handyman and can do the work themselves. We can sell it at a discount, and offer a discounted down payment and discounted monthly payment as well!
For example, we would fix this up and then offer it for sale at $52,900. This is AFTER we fix it up. We will offer it ‘as-is’ for $38k today if you feel like you can fix it yourself and save some $ .
3 beds, 1 bath. Big shop! I doesn’t have central heat air, and the floors need to be check out… also needs lots of cosmetic work ,etc…
Payments will be cheaper than rent, and the down payment we will NOT expect the same as if it were fixed up already. We are flexible, and we will work with you.
(By the way… Can you pay all cash? We will discount it even more… )
If you are interested in this house, then please follow these directions:
***PLEASE DRIVE TO THE HOUSE. Check it out. Check out the outside, look through the windows, etc.. IF you like it, then please TEXT or LEAVE A VOICEMAIL this number here: 501-570-6950. I will call you back. (Im getting too many calls and I am missing calls but I can remember to respond to texts and voicemails)